New home, new job, new routine, new friends and for sure new bike routes that you will enjoy on the next coming postings. Getting more often on the bike I will prepare some nice posts to show you what Perth is about riding a bicycle. Is Perth hot? Yes, it is. In the summer Perth is dry and warm which makes the sunscreen and a good hydration a must. For now, I want to show you my route from home to work in the following video:
Casa nova, trabalho novo, nova rotina, novos amigos e novas rotas de bike que voces poderao curtir nos proximos posts. Pedalando com mais frequencia, eu irei preparar alguns posts legais para mostra-los como e' pedalar em Perth. Calor? Sim e' calor. No verao, Perth e' seco e abafado, o que torna a hidratacao e o uso de protetor solar mandatorios. Por agora, assista no video a seguir a minha rota de casa para o trabalho: