spinning the wheels around Perth, Australia

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Comparison of Cycling Infrastructure

Just watch this and take your own conclusion

Apenas assista isto e tire suas proprias conclusoes

Com imagens podemos responder a esta reportagem do Jornal de Santa Catarina:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cycling in Perth

I want to share with you cycling lovers this video that was taped last Saturday during my 50km ride from home to Perth City. This is an amazing bikeway close to the breeze of the sea which makes this kind of ride more enjoyable.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Launching the first video taped in Perth

New home, new job, new routine, new friends and for sure new bike routes that you will enjoy on the next coming postings. Getting more often on the bike I will prepare some nice posts to show you what Perth is about riding a bicycle. Is Perth hot? Yes, it is. In the summer Perth is dry and warm which makes the sunscreen and a good hydration a must. For now, I want to show you my route from home to work in the following video:

Casa nova, trabalho novo, nova rotina, novos amigos e novas rotas de bike que voces poderao curtir nos proximos posts. Pedalando com mais frequencia, eu irei preparar alguns posts legais para mostra-los como e' pedalar em Perth. Calor? Sim e' calor. No verao, Perth e' seco e abafado, o que torna a hidratacao e o uso de protetor solar mandatorios. Por agora, assista no video a seguir a minha rota de casa para o trabalho: